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US$39 and up for top spots for a two month trial. Please email info@123notary.com for an exact quote for top placement and read our paid listing information too.

LINK TO US!!! - We will place you higher than free sign ups in the search results for your area. Just link to our site and then email us at info@123notary.com, and we'll give you instructions from there.

Please complete the sign up form below!

* = Required
Company Name: *
Profesional Category: *
Country: *
Continent: *
Address: *
City: *
Zipcode/Pincode: *
Contact Person: *  
Phone: *
Skype Phone:
E-mail: *
Website: *
Language Spoken: *
Please write a notes section about your company that is 200-700 words long. A notes section is critical as browsers want to read about your company before they decide if they want to call you or not.

Regular paid listings
US$200 per year via paypal. Regular listing placement is above free listings, but below the high placed listings. You are welcome to email us at info@123notary.com to ask us what approximate placement you would get.

Free listings:
Get a free listing in exchange for creating a TEXT LINK to www.123outsource.net from the links page or home page on your website. Just create the link and then: email info@123notary.com and say, "FREE OUTSOURCE LISTING - I created a link". Please include all pertinent company information in your email plus an informative notes section. Please see other listings in your category on our directory to get an idea of what type of information is critical to be shown on your listing.

Inquiries by phone
You can call us during U.S. Pacific Standard Time at 888-838-1458 to ask questions. This is our official line for our main site 123notary.com and 123outsource.net as well. Please announce that you are calling in regards to the outsource directory so our staff will know which directroy you are calling about.

How much business will your company get from a listing with us?
Our outsourcing site is relatively new, but aggresively marketed. A single new contact could result in tens of thousands of dollars of business plus referrals for your company. We can not guarantee how much business your company will get, but our outsourcing site is gaining better exposure on google every day, and should be a top ranked site in 2011. We are very seasoned at internet marketing as we have been marketing 123notary.com notary directory for ten years with tremendous success. Our best advice is to try out a listing with us and see how it goes. Track your calls to see if any came as a result of your listing with us. Starting with a free listing and then upgrading later in time is a very wise and prudent way to proceed with us. However, if you intend to purchase a #1 spot in your profession -- once its sold, it will not open up again, so grab it while its there if you want it that badly.