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   Call Center - Inbound & Customer Care
India (11)   Philippines (10)   United States (7)   Canada (4)   Other (10)

Welcome to the 123outsource.net BPO call center directory. Find a call center anywhere in the world. Our list of call centers includes facilities in many countries. However, call centers in India and Filipino call centers seem to dominate the market. Please shop around to find the best call center possible. We also recommend that you develop a close relationship with whichever call center provider that you choose in order to get their top level of service. Its always good to visit an overseas company in person and play a role in who they hire to work on your call center work. It would be sensible to do a Manila Call Center tour and also visit Cebu, and Delhi on your trip to get an acute sense of the various service providers.

See a feed of our best call center articles!

Blog entries
Skills you need to have to open a call center
How to start an outsourcing company
10 ways to get more clients for your call center
How to get clients for your call center by using CONTRACTS
Compilation of 22 best call center articles!

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Filipino Call Centers
Recent stats indicate that Filipino call centers are neck and neck with call centers in India in terms of gross revenue per nation with the Philippines gaining a lead over India. Our list of call centers in the Philippines has Cebu call centers, Davao call centers, Makati city call centers, and Manila call centers. There are also many other cities where you can find Filipino call centers. Although our Manila call center page has many service providers, the actual companies are in Makati City or Quezon City and other satellite districts of Manila.

India Call Centers
India is a popular location for call centers. The recent surge in the price of labor in Mumbai call centers and Bangalore call centers has made it more difficult for India to expand its overall call center revenue. Lower cost facilities in Delhi, Noida, and Assam have become the cost effective areas of India for finding a BPO call center. India is having trouble growing as a call center destination, and we recommend trying Filipino call centers for a more cost effective and culturally compatible match.

Canada Call Centers
Call centers in Canada are less expensive than in the United States and offer a similar culture and accent, not to mention a similar assortment of time zones. We have many Canadian Call Centers to choose from.

Telemarketing Call Centers
There are various types of facilities offering various services including telemarketing call centers, inbound call centers, outbound call centers, technical support, email support, and chat. If you are looking for a telemarketing call center or inbound call center, make sure the company you call really specializes in the skills that you need so you can get the best service possible.

Get on our list of Call Centers
If you manage a BPO call center, please contact us to get listed on our list of call centers. We need more inbound call centers, telemarketing call centers, and call centers with any other type of specialty too.

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