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   Medical Billing
United States (13)   India (9)   Other (0)

Welcome to the 123outsource.net medical billing directory.
Find a medical billing outsourcing company in India and around the globe. Companies in this category typically specialize in claims filing, co-pay tracking & collection, coding compliance, data conversion, denied insurance claims, indexing, insurance follow up, insurance verification, medical billing, medical coding services, medical human resources, medical staffing, medical transcriptions, non-voice data entry, scheduling, transaction reports, and even medical software.

Companies providing medical billing and related services are typically located in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, and Hyderabad India. Since the medical industry has been so closely linked between American and India for so long, many companies have branches in both countries, and phone numbers in the states, making it easier for you to contact them. Many of the companies represented on our directory are multinational comanies with many branches. However, we also have many purely Indian based medical billing companies in various parts of India. Let us know what your experiences were with the companies on our directory, so we can record your feedback in our files!

You might also find interest in our Accounting, Data Entry, Medical Transcriptions and Software sections as they have many companies with specialties similar to those that Medical Billing companies often have.

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A chiropractor stops outsourcing medical transcription
Medical Transcriptions and errors
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